Happy 2010

January is almost over and I still haven't written anything here... tsk! Actually I have a lot of stories for you guys... I'm gonna write about it soon *fingers crossed*. For now I just want to greet you all a Happy New Year! :)

I pray that 2010 will be a very meaningful year for us all. Let's apply what we've learned the past years. Let's live our lives the best way we can cause life is really short... might as well enjoy it! Let's spread the LOVE! I know it's a cliche but it really won't hurt to 'forgive and forget' right? :)

Let's also take charge of our health. Why? Well, nobody can tell what we really feel but ourselves right? Nothing drastic really, a general check up will be a good start... then be a little more physical, walk more or run if you can. Drink lots of water, use sun screen and it won’t hurt to smile more. :) As for me, I will try to REALLY lessen my intake of sweets... as much as love having sweets, I know I have to learn to control myself before I regret it.

So that’s it for now, just a little something... I hope to write more. I will really try. hehe.

Cheers to 2010!


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