Diving in Tioman

My second beach escapade and dive adventure for 2008 happened in Tioman Island, Malaysia. It was fun to be underwater again... It was my chance to use my new mask. (hihihi) I was really excited to try my hot pink mask!

We planned our intro/discover dive(2nd time for me) on our third day in the island. This includes a pool session to teach us the basics of diving and make us comfortable with the gears. I was excited to use my mask in the pool session because I thought I already did the necessary preparation needed to prevent mask fogging... but I was wrong because even at the pool it was already fogging. *sigh* It was really disappointing that I had to borrow their tried and tested mask. Oh well, it is better to use another mask and enjoy the underwater scenery than wear my own mask and take the risk of missing exciting fishies or spoil my dive because I need more time in mask clearing.

It was a shore entry dive. After cleaning the mask for one last time, we headed on to the beach... It was my first time to walk with a full tank on my back, it was really heavy! Tsk! But I guess its part of it all. I should not always think that there would be somebody to carry my tank… but I can still wish, right?...hihihi. So, on the shore, I put on my fins, inflated my BCD and got in the water…what a relief! We had to swim for a few meters to go to the deeper part of the water before we make our descent. Tioman is really abundant with different kinds of fish. We had fun playing with nemo… haha! We saw a really BIG school of fish… 3 walls of yellow striped fishies (sorry I don’t know the name yet) there were also puffer fish, lion fish, big angel fish and other species. Those were the highlights of our dive, the sea bed is not colorful though; good thing the fishies really gave it color and life.

We stayed underwater for roughly 40 minutes. We had to ascend already because my friend’s air is running low. I was behind the group because I was just swimming leisurely then I noticed that our DM is missing together with my other friend… I thought we were lost.. haha! So we surfaced and saw that we’re already near the shore. So, I took off my fins and floated towards the shore then I stood up still a bit wobbly… the tank is still heavy. I looked back to witness my friend being carried ashore by the waves. She attempted to stand up only to be knocked down by another wave, our DM came to help her carry the tank because she was laughing so hard she could not stand at all. She was rolling on the sand as the waves continue to come. I walked on ahead to the shop to take off my BCD off. We were still laughing when we reached the shop where we meet the manager who invited us to enroll to their open water course… lets see…

It was all in all a fun dive, my friends enjoyed as well.

I’m looking forward for my next summer adventure… Ü


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